Length: 836 m
Average gradient: 9.1%
Obstacles: none
Maximum gradient: 54.3%
Width: 90+ cm
Surface type: compact, locally hard, no loose stones
An easy trail with a natural surface. A slight average gradient allows it to be used also by beginners. A ride along the Family Route gives the opportunity to learn and improve the technique of mountain biking. There are some flat sections with easy obstacles, but also section with greater gradient. Larger steep slopes are always marked. They can be located both on straight sections and bends.
Length: 535 m
Average gradient: 12.0%
Maximum gradient: 51.3%
Obstacles: yes, drop-offs, bridge
Width: 60-90 cm
Type of surface: loose, locally hard, stony sections and tree roots
The moderate trail, with an natural soil surface and shaped ground obstacles, such as drop-offs and profiled bends. Some sections with tree roots and loose rocks are possible. A wide bridge with a steep ramp is built at the intersection with the Family trail. It is intended for experienced riders, and allows you to ride very fast. Short sections of the steep slopes. There are small mandatory drop-offs.
Length: 824 m
Average gradient: 11.5%
Obstacles: yes, drop-offs, bridges
Maximum gradient: 52.7%
Width: 60-90 cm
Type of surface: compact, locally loose, possible sections with natural obstacles, such as tree roots, partly with wooden bridges
Moderate trail with a natural soil surface, with shaped obstacles and profiled bends, sections with tree roots and loose stones are possible. There re some sections with wooden bridges and reinforced with large stones. The route is intended for proficient mountain bikers . It allows you to ride very fast and maintain fluidity of the ride. Short steep slope sections, be careful here. It is built a small jump but you can not clear it.
Length: 218 m.
Average gradient: 16.8%
Obstacles: yes, northshore, drop-offs
Maximum gradient: 40.0%
Width: 60-150 cm
Surface type: loose/compact, a large part of the trail is a northshore timber structure
Difficult trail with natural soil surface, mandatory ride on many sections of wooden structure. It is intended for expert users. For riders who will expect and relish technical challenges. There are some wooden bands above the ground level, as well as drop-offs with the possibility of passing them. Mandatory ride along wooden structures. There are some sections with natural soil surfaces covered with tree roots and loose rocks.
Length: 558 m
Average gradient: 15.5%
Obstacles: yes, drop-offs, jumps, bridges
Maximum gradient: 47.6%
Width: 50-90 cm
Surface type: loose/compact, there are natural and artificial obstacles, loose stones and roots, part of the trail is a wooden structure
A very difficult trail, intended for advanced users. The soil surface, unreinforced, with artificial and profiled obstacles and jumps. In critical places, there are wooden structures, ended with a large jump which can be avoided. There are natural obstacles in the surface, as tree roots. A high average gradient allows you to develop high speeds. There are also slopes in the opposite direction which enable jumping. There is a vantage point with a place for resting next to the trail.
Length: 629 m
Average gradient: 13.9%
Obstacles: yes, drop-offs, northshore
Maximum gradient: 70.3%
Width: 50-90 cm
Surface type: loose/compact, natural obstacles, tree roots
A very difficult trail, intended for advanced users. The soil surface, unreinforced, with natural and artificial obstacles and bends. Short sections with tree roots and loose rocks. Different gradients, short very steep sections. The trail allows you to develop high speeds. It is needed an advanced level off-roading skills and technical ability of riding on mountain bike.
ul. Pasteura
37-700 Przemyśl