Fort Trails


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Fort Trails

Length: 558 m

Average gradient: 15.5%

Obstacles: yes, drop-offs, jumps, bridges

Maximum gradient: 47.6%

Width: 50-90 cm

Surface type: loose/compact, there are natural and artificial obstacles, loose stones and roots, part of the trail is a wooden structure

A very difficult trail, intended for advanced users. The soil surface, unreinforced, with artificial and profiled obstacles and jumps. In critical places, there are wooden structures, ended with a large jump which can be avoided. There are natural obstacles in the surface, as tree roots. A high average gradient allows you to develop high speeds. There are also slopes in the opposite direction which enable jumping. There is a vantage point with a place for resting next to the trail.

Fort Trails

ul. Pasteura

37-700 Przemyśl

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Emergency number: GOPR 985 or 601 100 300

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